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0.2.0 released

Saturday, February 28th, 2009 at 12:02

A new version of is here!

New features and improvements

Bookmark system
A bookmark system is finally in place. Bookmarks can be added manually in
the bookmark dialog, or automaticly by adding a bookmark to the site you are
currently connected to. Bookmarks can be organized in folders and can be dragged
and dropped using the treeview.

Bookmark dialog

Stored bookmarks can easily be accessed using the Bookmarks menu item. It
replaces the connect button, which has been moved to the right end of
the toolbar.

Bookmarks menu

Note: Passwords are currently stored in clear text. The bookmarks file
is stored in the user home directory with the most restrictive permissions
possible. It should be quite safe if you keep your home directory
permissions in order, but clear text is clear text. I don’t know if this
will ever change. needs the clear text version of the password, and
if can decrypt it, anybody can.

More FTP servers supported
There are a lot of directory listsing styles out there, and now
supports more of them. This version has support for some VMS directory
listings, and more varitions of the UNIX style listings. The screenshot
below shows connected to a VMS TCPware server.

Bookmark dialog

Other minor improvements
This version also brings some minor bugfixes and improvements. Aborting
transfers should now work better in most cases. Moving queued transfers up
and down in the queue now brings less nasty surprises. And as always we have
updated French, Norwegian and Spanish translations.

Known issues
does currently not support SSL session reuse. This may cause
problems when using protection level P (encrypted data channel) with servers that require session

needs more translators!
Want to translate into your language? We currently have quite complete translations on French, Spanish and Norwegian. But we need more! If you want to translate into a language you know, please drop me a note (see contact email on front page).

Thanks to everyone who reported bugs and cintributed with ideas. Special
thanks to Simon Leblanc for all the help!

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